Monday, March 15, 2010

fridge envy

now that i am married with a child, what do i daydream about all the live long day? my future home and how i want it to look!! is that silly? probably. but after living in apartments/duplexes for the past, oh, 8 or so years (on my own and with Logan), a girl can't help but start to get excited about the prospect of actually having a HOUSE all to herself! who knows where that house will end up being, but all i know is that i want one of these inside it.

is it possible for a fridge to be "sexy"? well, if it is, then this one by Big Chill is definitely sexy. i spend a LOT of time in the kitchen, not even necessarily cooking. i'd spend even more time in there just admiring this thing if i had one. ahem....i mean when i have one, thanks.


carrie said...

em! okay, i love the fridge but don't call it sexy. I hate that word, especially when it is referred to inanimate objects. Oh man, when people refer to food as sexy, it bugs me. Sorry. Still like the fridge though. And yes, a house would be nice. Todd and I just started watching House Hunters International. You can watch it on hulu. You should watch it.

emily and logan said...

haha! okay so you answered my question. fridges aren't sexy.

A. B. Reese said...

This fridge would be greatly improved by an adjacent window. One that looks out over blue skies, rolling fields of grain, your own personal forest, and my backyard.

Brendan said...

I totally dream of finally having a house too! It doesn't really help to watch HGTV all the time either. The fridge is cute.

Brendan, Dana, Hazel, Hattie, and Niels said...

I don't know how to delete comments, but that was from me Dana, not Brendan. I didn't realize I was signed into his account