Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SO ready!

i am ready to have this baby! i have about a week and a half to go, but tomorrow would be okay too. none of my shoes, except for flip flops, fit me, my rings are getting a little too tight, and even my maternity pants have been outgrown. i even took a little tumble yesterday because of all this extra weight in weird places! i scraped my knee up a bit, and my dignity also took quite a beating, but, luckily, my wonderful husband yanked me up by the arm just before i fell "flat" on my belly. thanks, honey!

right now, the baby is still semi-nameless. we thought he would be Leo, but now we're not too sure. we have a few names in mind, but we're gonna keep it on the down-LOW until he's born. then you'll all just have to pretend you love it! for the moment, he's "Scooter". i had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and Scooter is in the heads down position- perfect for scootin' on out any day now!

c'mon, baby! your mom is tired of looking like this:


leigh said...

just assume you're having him at least a week after your due date. then you won't be disappointed. i can't believe he's almost here!

Shanicherie said...

Emily, you're adorable! I look like you NOW and I'm 5 weeks behind you! Jealousy! And you've made me nervous because our apartment is three flights of stairs up...I'm paranoid I'm gonna fall now, so I have a death grip on the railings!

emily and logan said...

shannon, no need to be jealous- this is still my 36 week picture! and yeah, hold on for dear life on the stairs!!

Doug & Stef said...

Oh man - Maybe you'll have him on your due date and he and weston will have the same b-day! Keep us updated!

I know what you mean about names. We had such a hard time!

Mrs. Dexter said...

Oh Emily. :) You're so cute. I can't wait to find out what name you two choose!

Adrienne said...

just do it already. geez.