Monday, January 26, 2009


this week was our long-awaited ultrasound. for some reason i was really nervous when we got there. it was that feeling like you're about to meet someone really important for the first time and you have no idea what to say! the ultrasound tech was obviously seasoned in her profession and got right down to business. we just tried to keep up! she was like, "okay, here's this and we gotta check this for that and this looks good and it looks like this, that, and the other....". she went too fast! i just tried to ask as many stupid questions as possible to slow her down a little. and then she took a few photos of our little guy. i have to say, it looks like he's going to be veeerry handsome....what?? have a look for yourself!

here he is in a most pensive state. he's quite an intellectual. i'm surprised the ultrasound didn't pick up his wire-rimmed glasses and copy of Thoreau's "Walden".

here's his face looking a little extra-terrestrial. still cute, though!

a tiny little foot!

and we can't forget the money shot. this is what we all wait for during ultrasounds. besides hearing "everything looks healthy", we just wanna get a quick peek down there, right? and i don't think there can be any mistaking that this guy is a guy.

it's all so exciting! i wish i could see him right now, and not deal with 4 more months of awesome pregnancy. i can wait, though.


carrie said...

Hooray! Can't wait to meet the little dude.

Jackie said...

I agree--that is one handsome kid! I wouldn't expect anything less from you Sessions.

Shanicherie said...

Yay! So fun! Of course he's smart...he's yours! I can't wait till we find out...3 weeks from today!

Doug & Stef said...

Well HE sure is proud to tell his momma HE is a HE! how fun - you can't have too high of hopes for him! how exciting!