this weekend, we drove to Encinitas to celebrate with our friends and family. i was, of course, stressed to the max and worried River's 1st birthday would be a disaster. but everything turned out perfectly, thanks to Spencer and Monika's much needed and appreciated help with the food and decorations and Laura's expert beak making for our rubber ducky cupcakes! and, of course, Logan worked like mad following my orders and helping me get everything done. thanks everyone! you are the best!!
the process. these things were not easy to make!
cute laura working on those beaks! she had mastered it by the last cupcake.
some decorations!
River and his favorite person!
River and second- favorite. I look shiny and tired. yikes!
interesting expression on Rivs. ha!
extreme close-up!! these beaks liked to slide right off. we need some better decorating techniques, laura!
can't go wrong with some Costco cheese pizza. Connie helping us out with that! :)
logan and laura checkin out the spread.
the food was great! even River, the world's pickiest eater, could attest to that. thanks monika!!
spencer, monika and sterling hangin out. oliver slept through the whole party!
enjoying his birthday cupcake.
the boys chattin.
the ride home after a long, crazy weekend....
What a handsome guy. His hair is getting long! He has a pretty mom, too!
OK...those have to be the cutest cupcakes of all time! I just want to smooch those little beeks!
I can't believe you have a 1 year old! Weren't you just in Beehives last year?
Hope all is well with you and your cute family...
He's 1?! How did that happen so fast? You guys all look great, and I'm loving the cupcakes! Happy Birthday River! :-)
Weird. . . I too take off my shirt when I eat cupcakes . . .
River and I can now be official friends.
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